PWR BTTM's new album, Pageant, is no longer on Polyvinyl's website

Wait, they're not white? Ben is a white, cis, possibly even straight man, who was posing and getting career advancement (within one particular niche) out of being seen as something he wasn't (whether his reasons were selfish or selfless or a mix of both), so this is like if Rachel Dolezal was also a serial rapist. It's misleading to act like this is an example of LGBT artists being dragged. These are not longstanding LGBT artists who are known to the community and have suddenly been destroyed in a feeding frenzy by the straight media who ignore straight artists who commit the same crimes. Straight artists do commit the same crimes, and often get away with it... but... this situation is unique because this is also LGBTs turning on an appropriation of their own community. This is an upstart band that promoted themselves based on an alleged identity (partly political, partly sexual), an identity that turns out to be a total lie, even though, just as with Dolezal, there is probably a lot of good that they did while playing that role (like Dolezal inspired many of her African American students, Pwr Bttm inspired many LGBT fans), which was the role they sincerely wanted to be, but couldn't.

Let's recall, Dolezal was hated on just about as much, maybe more, and she never raped anybody. The thing she did that was inexcusable in so many people's eyes, was lie about her identity and use that for career advancement as a leader within the black community. Ben also lied about his identity and used that for career advancement in the queer punk community. In addition, he used that lie to attract women he (allegedly) targeted sexually, after catching them off guard because they felt safe in his presence, and using his aura of moral righteousness to silence his victims. This is not as bad as it gets in the industry, not even close, this kind of stuff probably is sadly very common, but this is still very very bad.

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