Q&A with the Grumps! - PART 3 - GrumpOut

Something interesting I experienced growing into myself and becoming an adult is how, as a kid, I was told that I was a creative type, and I was very heavily involved in the arts all throughout my primary education and I just kinda always thought I would go to college and major in something like drama or graphic design. I changed my mind about what I wanted to focus on practically twice a semester because I got bored so easily. I had no focus, hated all the liberal arts classes I took, and dropped out.

2 years later I'm at my lowest, broke with no real idea of what to do with myself beyond getting up, going to work and getting paid peanuts, I was sitting in bed looking through the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook out of boredom and ran across the page for epidemiology. Something in my brain just lit up and I ended up doing tons of research on what I needed to do to become an epidemiologist, enrolled back in school and started taking all the relevant classes.

Eventually I figured out I'm more interested in medical research and studying infectious diseases, but this is something I've figured out along the way. I've been doing really well in school, learning a lot about the world and myself and meeting really amazing people. I'm happiest in a lab working with (dead!) pathogens and smelly agar plates. I genuinely love what I'm learning and can't wait to do it in grad school. I could have never imaged this for myself when I was a 16-year-old drama geek.

So basically what I'm saying is, yes, do what you love...but do what YOU love, not what you're telling yourself you love, or what other people want you to love. Sometimes you'll start your freshman year thinking you want to be a journalist or anthropologist and you end up with a PhD in Mathematics 10 years later.

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