[Q] Can you request to know what the shipment package will look like?

Just make a slight variation to the name that appears on your normal, everyday mail. Nothing too out of the ordinary that would draw additional scrutiny, of course. You can simply add a prefix like "Mr." or add your middle initial to your name - something like that. Sometimes, when giving the vendor my address, instead of writing my apartment number "Apt B", I'll write it as "#B". Haven't had a problem yet.

That said, if the "other people" you live with are your parents, then open a P.O. Box, or find somewhere else to send your shit. Please don't even consider putting them at risk.

Also, how much are you paying for Adderall on the markets? Would likely be much cheaper and easier to find a doctor who will write you a script. I was easily able to obtain a prescription (90ct Adderall 30mg IR/mo.) by simply complaining to my doctor that I'd become lethargic as of late, and was completely unable to focus at either work or school.

Told him that after having to undergo a bunch of tests given at the doctor's office, I was previously diagnosed with ADD back in middle school. Told him that the medication helped tremendously, but I didn't like the stigma that came with taking ADD meds, so as I was about to enter high school, I slowly weaned off the meds without any problems. Told him that I excelled in high school without the meds, but now, my ADD has come back, worse than ever.

Made sure to emphasize that my ADD had now become so bad that it was really starting to affect my grades as well as my job performance. Told him that supervisors, co-workers, and instructors have all noticed the negative change, and have expressed concern. Also told the doctor, that after much thought, I'd come to the conclusion that I needed to go back on my medication to see if it helped again. Told him I was initially prescribed Ritalin, but it wasn't helping at all, so my doctor at the time suggested I try Adderall, and, after increasing my dose a few times, it worked beautifully for me.

It was really that easy - he didn't make me take the $500 ADD diagnosis test, check with my old doctor, or anything. Have to piss in a cup for a drug test every 3 months when the doctor writes out my Rx, but he's just checking to make sure I'm taking my Adderall, and not selling it. Although, I'm prescribed way more than I need, so I am still able set at least 50 of them aside every month.

I'll typically give a few away to close friends, and/or sell some to people I meet during the semester, but I prefer to save the vast majority of my surplus to sell during Dead Week/Final Exams, when people are willing to pay top dollar because Adderall is much harder to find then. Works out pretty damn well, tbh.

Anyway, sorry for the ridiculously long reply. I got into my stash of SuperSpeedBros amphetamine sulphate while watching football earlier lol. Hope this helps you in some way...

/r/DarkNetMarkets Thread