AITA for lashing out at my daughter for ordering dinner for everyone but me?

"Aita for shouting at my parentified daughter for not buying me food with her money even though I work late, eat at work, and don't eat what she prepares for me"

Fixed your title.

Why is your sixteen year old child responsible for making sure her mother has something to throw in the bin when you get home from work? Hint; she shouldn't be. That's YOU and YOUR HUSBAND'S job.

Why is your sixteen year old child responsible for feeding YOUR NINE YEAR OLD CHILD? Hint; she isn't, that's the job of HIS PARENTS.

All of this screams parentification, and if this is actually your perspective the way you talk about your daughter is quite disgusting for a loving parent. Grow up and be the 37 year old adult parent you claim to be. You want dinner with your family? Go home in time and cook, or make your husband cook.

Your son doesn't have dinner for him after school because BOTH HIS PATENTS are failing to meet the very basic parenting duty.

What is your plan when she bolts from the house the minute she can and doesn't come home? Is your son and husband going to starve to death? Are you going to make an eleven year old responsibile for your parental duties too? Go and apologise to your daughter (sincerely and properly, like an adult in the wrong) and ask how you can earn her forgiveness for your behaviour before you're back here in few years asking if your TA because she's gone no contact with you.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread