Question about OJ: Made in America

Nah man. It was OJ. They have his DNA mixed with both of the victims' blood. The gloves were his. They didn't fit because he was wearing gloves underneath. The timeline from the time he's spotted by the limo driver, to when the murdered take place, to when OJ flies to Chicago clearly put him at the scene. Blood in his house. In his car. A cut on his left hand, a clear indication of a struggle. An exhaustive history of domestic violence. The amount of damage to Nicole's body clearly indicates an intent to send a message. Additionally being strong enough to physically restrain one adult male (Goldman wasn't some couch potato) and Nicole probably means the murderer is super strong. Like strong enough to be a professional football player. The evidence is clear, it's just a matter of if you believe the facts to be just that.

Cochran's whole case is that LAPD is white institutionalised racism so any evidence they present is invalid. And specifically to this case the people in charge are not only racist, but the competence of the investigators is to be directly questioned. He used the media. He bought "experts" and painted a picture that the prosecution couldn't steer attention away from.

In the end if you ask me the case came down to this. Black people wanted white to give America a taste of its own medicine. They know he did it. It's for all the times white juries wrongfully convicted black defendants, all the abuse from law enforcement and just a general protest of a perceived impartiality in the judicial system. Is it fair? No. Is it right? IMO no, two people were murdered and their murderer walked away. That being said, did it prove a point? Absolutely. Was it for the good of the people?

/r/television Thread