Question about powersave users

I'm unbelievable happy once I can upgrade a weapon/create an entirely new armorset. The sense of accomplishment is so amazing in MH.

Monster parts is one thing, but do you actually feel a sense of accomplishment getting a really good charm after hours and hours of farming? I've charm farmed for, quite literally, hundreds of hours. I've picked up a +4 edgemaster/+14 expert charm recently. Pretty much completed every armor set I was in the process of making (I have a specific armor set for every element) and you know what? I'm sick of this game. I'm sick of rathalos and his stupid face. I'm sick of hame runs and farming the same monsters over and over. I actually enjoy monsters like raging brachy or savage jho, but they didn't get blessed with the ability to drop relics or gravens. All the best equipment in the game is gated behind a tiny fraction of monsters, about half of whom are boring to fight anyway.

When I pulled that end game charm from shaggys head, I didn't feel accomplished. I felt empty and bored. There is no skill involved in charm gathering. You aren't fighting against something and reaping the rewards. You are just rolling a dice and seeing what the results are.

I haven't picked up monster hunter since the day I got that charm. I got burnt out on the most boring and least skill intensive part of the game. Should I have taken a break? Probably but it seems weird that in a game I'm supposedly playing for fun, I need to take a break in order to not hate it.

I honestly wish that I had just power saved in the charms I wanted and avoided the whole thing. Would I have still burned out? Maybe, but at least I would have had fun doing it.

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