[Question] To you Crucible snipers out there, How do you do it?

REALLY WANT TO GET BETTER? Follow these tips, and (IMO) you'll gain significant experience. This could take a while. Not the experience part, but the obtaining part.

  1. Find the most comfortable character you play with and stick with him/her/it for the remainder of the training. If you use a comfortable player, you'll feel really comfortable.

  2. Grab ALL of the snipers you have, yes even those uncommon and rare ones, and give them to this character. Once you've got them go to that Venus spot and start using them all, feeling which one feels great, agile, quick, and regular. This is important for it will help you line up shots quicker and avoid situations quicker.

  3. Once you've found your character and comfortable training sniper, find a raid team, and grab the famous glimmer farming CP (ya gotta finish Atheon, don't want to be THAT dude,lol). And stay in the entrance with your setup (fully upgraded sniper) and start sniping. Once a couple are eliminated, you're going to roam and keep sniping. Taking cover. You can't only hit the crits. Nothing else, same for the gatekeeper. Wipe once all dead and repeat.

  4. Now the second you've noticed yourself hitting the crit on every shot or 75% of the time or higher, you're gonna want to grab a sniper with final round. This could take a while or you can already have one. Preferably a 331 sniper but I don't think that will matter.

  5. Once obtained, you're going to head off to two places. Either Rumble or The Exclusion Zone. This is dependent on you only. Rumble if you're REALLY comfortable with the final round sniper or Exclusion Zone if you're not. (Go to step 7 if you chose Exclusion Zone. 6 if you chose Rumble)

  6. Rumble. So you chose Rumble, turns out you'll make a great sniper in the crucible, and even Iron Banner. He'll even the Trials of Osiris. Here's where your real training begins, Guardian. You're gonna abuse the final round perk and shoot off those rounds till you got your final round (or last two round if you have field scout!) Now you're objective is not to wait and cheap snipe them from a head clutching spot. (People who can't snipe do this) Youre going to roam like you did in VOG. Never staying in the same spot for more than two kills. Your objective here is to roam and KILL the first enemy you see, IMMEDIATELY. Remember, you're not sitting in the back like you would in Battlefield. You're actively engaging in enemies as if you had an PR. Not AR, shotgun, MG, RL, or HC. Pulse rifle. Your best friend is your radar. Check it, and you'll know how to position yourself to get the QUICK kill! (Dont know where to stand?) TIP: Always stand the farthest you can from where you predict the enemy will enter. It's always different for people (just like how guns feel and what character really helps you with winning) May not seem like a big deal, and you can just YouTube: Sniping spots on Destiny, but when You're in deep SHIT, you don't have time to look and position yourself. This is where that tip helps a lot. Get the just right and the odds of landing a headshot increase DRAMATICALLY.

Once position. Hit the first thing you think you'll see. Doesn't have to be the head, remember, final round, so just aim for ANYTHING. You're sniping, you need to learn in this session how to kill QUICK. You're only using the sniper and your super. Sniper to kill, balance out heavy users, and your super to save your ads from another super. Lol. Anyhow, once you've gone positive for the majority of Your matches, you're going to grab that COMFORTABLE sniper you used earlier n VOG and start using it in Control. You have a better idea now of where enemies will spawn and camp. This is where position is VITAL! now you start killing. Body shots! Even if you have a low ROF sniper, body shots! (No,no, no tequila) This will help your confidence in aiming quick before they hit you, which will mess up Your flinching, and in the future land headshots like that one stream dude, lol.

Again once you've gone positive for the majority of your matches, it's time for the REAL TEST...

Umm, that's it. Just join a match with your friends, play against a team that is communicating, and snipe those who are rushing you because XXdirtysniper43XX gave your position away to the other 5 people using TLW, Felwinters and Blink...stupid...sorry, I've got issues.

  1. At this point I'm tired, soo just snipe cabal in the head while they're flying and SHIT. Only headshots. As for the ones with the shields , flinch and headshot them. Do that and make sure to wipe before killing the last one. Oh, do it on hard. Gotta make sure the headshot killed them and not a body shot. Once you're done and feel comfortable then move on to step 6. Lol.

Good luck out there, Guardian...

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread