A quiet moment for Scott……

I have a theory, I may be off the mark but it very much reminds me of a (bad) situation I was in. My ex (absolute asshole) cheated on me for like YEARS. When I found out my self confidence was so low I just accepted it and we stayed together (so stupid I know that now that I have some self worth, and now have a lovely husband who wouldn’t even dream of doing that). Anyway, I was desperate to prove that we were happy and I was so lucky, I used to post lovey pictures and statuses about how happy I was and how ‘amazing’ he was. All lies, trying to lie to myself that everything was all right. Boy am I glad I’m not in that situation anymore, it was a horrible time. Anyway, I reckon he’s cheated in the past, for some reason stayed and now she won’t let him out of her sight, always has to post about how happy and amazing they both are. It reeks of desperation to prove that she has the perfect life. The whole larger woman/fit man got them a bit of fame and now he can’t leave because he’s trapped because of the money and having no real job and her fans would rip him to shreds. And that’s why now she’s secure that he can’t leave she does these little things to humiliate him, like the making fun of him and little jabs etc. I could be wrong that’s what it seems like to me.

/r/AliciaMccarvelSnark Thread