˃RЕAD˃ Alexei Maxim Russell's Field Guide to Assholes by Alexei Maxim Russell..selling direct.,.link.,.author view,..kickass..,book

˃RЕAD˃ Alexei Maxim Russell's Field Guide to Assholes by Alexei Maxim Russell..selling direct.,.link.,.author view,..kickass..,book

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Description book Alexei Maxim Russell's Field Guide to Assholes by Alexei Maxim Russell:

Have you ever considered taking up the sport of asshole-watching? Much like bird-watching or a trip to the safari park, asshole-watching can be both fun and educational. And, what is more, a thorough knowledge of assholes--their habits, how to identify them and how to best repel their attacks--is an essential skill to learn, for anyone who hopes to make their way through life, asshole-free. This au...








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