Fuck you

For reference, the text in question was me calling them crazy because of their birth control to a friend of mine. When they've admitted themselves their birth control is causing them to have massive mood swings and is driving them crazy and that they're planning to have it removed.

I'm so goddamn hurt. Over a fucking text message, man. We'd been together for a year and a half. Then they say they don't want to hear from me at all, that they're sorry for the hurt but they're just not interested anymore. They don't care like they used to.

Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. You said that just to cut me as deep as you fucking could Tareyn. You knew I'd be stuck between still loving you and fucking hating you forever for saying that.

If you change your mind, I'll hear you out. You have one month. After that I'm moving to a new goddamn state and changing my number because it will kill me to stay in this hellhole knowing you're a mile away and may as well be on the moon.

I still love you, but you fucking hurt me. I'm not forgiving shit without one hell of an explanation and apology.

/r/UnsentLetters Thread