/r/all, provide me with factual data that Donald Trump is a racist.

You should probably edit this comment because it seems like you're saying: "You will be banned for making an argument that what my candidate does is racist in response to me asking how my candidate is racist." Thus far the people on /r/The_Donald (actually the people on /r/AskTrumpSupporters, but I assume they're the same) have actually been the most reasonable and passionate political subreddit I've came across, but you're going to have to clarify what you mean by factual because it seems quite skewed at this point.

For example a list of facts, you'll likely ban me for elaborating on:

So let's test how reasonable you folks are by elaborating:

  • There is clearly a law targeting a group of people who are predominantly of a different race, not even an elaboration those facts have been cited.
  • Considering the definition of racism, people are then left to wonder about personal beliefs.
  • Given how little confidence they have in institutions, Americans may judge Mr Trump's action (calling for a law) rather than take Mr. Trump at his word.
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