/r/altright supports /r/Calexit

We(on our side) are fighting against entities so evil that I suspect even you mind wipes would nearly be snapped out of your cognitive dissonance, just long enough to vomit up your intestines onto your lap.

This shit is actually great.

So to clarify, the news media is lying about Trump employing illegal immigrants, and you know this because if he did then the news media would have reported it?

Also, Alinsky was a (non-Satanic) community organizer who died forty years ago and had virtually no impact on Obama. The only sources claiming otherwise were Rush Limbaugh, who owns the largest radio talk show in the United States, and Glenn Beck, a former commentator on the largest television news network in the United States. In other words, you're being misinformed by the mainstream media.

The other stuff I'm not going to address because you didn't actually make any arguments, you just vomited a bunch of buzzwords onto the page.

Before I leave, though, I would like you to know that I am a Marxist. And not some weird conspiracy Frankfurt School Cultural crypto-Marxist. I mean I'm actual, abolish-the-state, seize-the-means-of-production, acquaint-your-fascist-head-with-the-pavement Marxist. And God do I wish any of the people you thought were Marxists actually were, because your head would be on a pike in a heartbeat. But they aren't. Which is why I don't support them.

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