/r/mturk Daily Discussion - September 27, 2021

I completed a survey last week of which I saw no completion code towards the end, and when I clicked next it has the "Thank you for your completion etc" page at the end of most Qualtrics surveys (with no completion code)

My HIT was rejected because I used my Mturk ID instead of a completion code because I had none. I e-mailed the requesters IRB and she said since I don't have a completion code, she can't approve my survey.

Is there anything I can do about this?

E-mail from requester "Prior to you accepting the job to participate in my survey, the attached instructions were provided in mTurk, which clearly state that you needed to enter the randomly-generated code at the end of the survey back into the mTurk system in order to be paid. This is the only way to verify you actually took the survey. See attached sample. You did not do this; instead, you entered your mTurk worker ID number. I can't verify in the survey that you took it, using your worker ID number, so that is the reason you were rejected for payment."

/r/mturk Thread