/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for March 19, 2020

happier for having the illness means “happier because of implications of having the illness”. not “happy to be ill”, which is what you seem to be thinking i accused of saying.

i really still think that you have a misguided understanding of psychosis. she’s not autistic or mentally retarded, she understands the world just as we do. but she perceives stimuli that don’t even exist (i.e. hallucination) and/or believes things that can be proven false (e.g. the government is listening to my thoughts). sure she won’t worry about things like the rat race because she’s incapable of working. but i disagree that you can conclude that she’s likely happier when she has to worry about hallucinations and delusions and shit that threaten her basic ability to function normally as a human being.

so i hold my ground that you’re being too simplistic in thinking she’s has fewer worries/greater happiness than you just because she has DIFFERENT worries.

but i will caveat that all of my comments are based on the assumption that she has psychosis. so if i’m wrong about that, i’m wrong about everything including my dismissal of your comment

/r/singapore Thread Parent