Racial segregation 'growing in UK', Dame Louise Casey warns - BBC News

The truth is there's no real argument to be had here. Islam is a deeply and unambiguously sexist religion; the Burqa is mostly worn in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and ISIS controlled Iraq-Syria; and regardless of whether these garments are considered sexist in Muslim nations they are certainly perceived to be sexist in the West i.e. the community they actually live in and have intimate knowledge of.

You won't make any sense of the mental gymnastics required to justify covering every inch of your visible skin in thick black cloth. It's like an ex-con claiming they're wearing an orange jumpsuit in public because they like the feeling of self-discipline it gives them.

Even the Hijab faces many of these problems, because the reality is that it's a tradition steeped in sexism and in the UK it's viewed as a sign saying, "please, please don't talk or even look at me."

It's perfectly possible to be modest and pious without a hijab and there's an enormous amount of dishonesty or delusion about them in many Islamic communities. People do not feel morally compelled to where fashion accessories and there's nothing a hijab achieves that Western clothes cannot - leaving a slim and obvious reason as to why they're worn.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - bbc.co.uk