is this racist?

give me a constructive answer (critically or otherwise)

I did. I can't see your removed post anymore, but everything you've said screams naivete and ignorance - which is largely, if not completely, curable in most people.

You said white people suck. Bigotry is born of ignorance, stereotypes of intellectual laziness. Seek to cure yourself of those things to the extent that you can.

You pretended being an electrical engineer, making money, and the quality of your work somehow confirm your intelligence or the validity of your perspective. Not only is that incredibly naive, and the don't, but you've literally already claimed that plenty of electrical engineers who do quality work and make money suck for reasons that have nothing to do with their profession, quality of work, or income.

And some do suck apparently, conducting themselves as you do, even acting as if anonymity somehow justifies their shitty conduct. Just about everything you say is a non-sequitur.

You want some constructive criticism? Well, you obviously suffer from a lot of cognitive biases, lazy heuristics, and logical fallacies. So start with educating yourself on those three concepts and you'll be on the path to improving the quality of your thinking.

Or don't. Keep embracing your ignorance and using your confirmation bias to pretend it's a virtue. There are plenty of people who suck, one more isn't a good thing, but it's not exactly a surprising thing either.

You're welcome for this self-help opportunity.

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