Should the 2A be repealed?

I really don't understand the point of working an angle like this. It seems like you are just trying to eke out some internet points to avoid having an actual discussion, which I don't understand at all, since 1) the internet points are pointless 2) the conversation really fucking needs to happen 3) even if the whole thing went south, you'll never meet any of us IRL and so you are honestly free to express whatever views you like without fearing that it's going to fuck up your life in some way to piss off any of us, so why not just have the fucking conversation instead of dancing around the issue like this?

Like, spend 3 seconds thinking about this and realize that the "anything else" you are referring to clearly has much different implications than buying a goddamn GUN, and then realize that maybe this is a very short-sighted view and you ought to put more effort into hashing this out properly.

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