[Ranked] Stuck at my plateau. Tried everything. help...

I have really felt off the last few games. I let some trolls, and a few bad plays really get into my head. So, before things start to slip away. I would like some help. So I appreciate you taking time. I'll send you two of my terrible games. So I can just hear how horrible I did and hopefully not let those things continue to happen.

Generally speaking my climb has been pretty easy, but I can slowly start to feel tilt creeping in. It started with a game where an Amumu took Flash and Tp. And forced a dual top. Then I had the following game I had to dodge when a Teemo took JG and a Fizz took Smite top to protest. After a follow up dodge because I ended up with the same people I called it quits.

I then played a really great game with Sivir although Im sure i made a ton of mistakes. I then played another game as Ashe and it has been down hill from there and I believe my frustration is getting to me. Because I feel like i'm almost out of Bronze and little things are really throwing me off.

My game yesterday was meh, and I couldn't help but focus on how terrible Garen was doing, that I did nothing with my early pressure on Kalista, and I just played bad. We potentially could have won the game had I played better, but mentally I just was fed up with Solo Q. I was 70% win rate on Ashe, 70% win rate out of 20 games and finally at 53% over all. I was on a win streak 67% on Jinx, 100% on Sivir, etc, etc.

Things were going well, and now, I'm not sure what is going on. I'm just playing bad. And I'm already only slightly better than my elo as is, when you look at it on paper. My CS is Meh, my team fighting is better than Bronze, which is usually where I shine, but everything else is just Meh.

So, any help I would greatly appreciated. I really need to have it handed too me so I can improve. Kinda bummed out right now after these last few loses.




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