(Rant) Girlfriend of 6 months dumped me in the most blatant of manners - blaming the country.

Incidentally I'm whippin you so you'll get harder bro (no homo lol). Bitches don't like emotional types, contrary to what Bollywood and soap operas might have led you to believe. And ya I could ignore it, sure. But that doesn't change the fact that a bunch of other losers have now upvoted your desperation to the front page, and in time it's little things like this that come to define a community.

Let me just say /r/India does not have the greatest reputation in the world. But you know what? A political circlejerk is still infinitely cooler than a sub of emotional males lmao. I love India, and I want this community to represent and be about India. There are many places you can go to for your personal problems and emotional concerns.

I know I'm being harsh but you don't realize the effect posts like this have in the long run. Not this post in particular, but the culmination. I'm just fed up with seeing shit like this. Id honestly rather talk about Narinder Modi lol.

But real talk bro, there's really nothing to be said. You fucked up. You can't take back the hours and effort you wasted on this girl, and you probably can't reclaim the lost sexiness incurred by your weak personality. The only advice that can be given is...to not be such a bitch in the future. It's just one girl. I know you're hurtin now but you'll get over it. And there's plenty of girls left in the world. So go hit the gym, buy some new clothes and shit, idk get a hair cut and go out and try better next time. This too shall pass. There's literally nothing else anyone can tell you.

And my last piece of advice, giving up a executive MBA seat for a summer romance is just about the stupidest thing I've heard all day. Don't go full retard again bro. Your young and life is about making mistakes and learning from them. And that's a mistake I really hope you learn from. Good luck going forward friend. I know I been kindof a dick , but I'm sick of posts like this and sometimes tough love is necessary >:). But it's not the end of the world man. In the words of young dro..FDB nigga...fuck dat bitch.

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