[rant/vent] "I'm not going to be the only responsible adult in this relationship, so if you aren't, neither am I."

We've tried couples counseling before. He does not like admitting he is wrong. Like, ever. He will find something wrong with the marriage counselor if they don't agree with him - "that guy is an idiot/he's a douchebag/he doesn't know anything." It is frustrating to try to communicate with him, the only thing I've ever noticed that really works is giving him time.

An example: I wanted an engagement ring. He never got me one. He had a year and a half to do it, I often reminded him of it, did everything basically short of begging him for one, even offered to just go and buy one for myself so I wouldn't have go around with a bare finger... and he always had an excuse not to. Engagement rings are stupid, or they're too expensive, or he was working on it, I just have to be patient. 3 years later, no engagement ring, but I'm over it, and pretty much all he can say is "... yeah, I admit I really screwed up on that."

Or our wedding! He contributed nothing to planning or organizing it. I begged him for suggestions. All he wanted was "a monkey in a tuxedo serving hors d'oeuvres," and when I pooh-poohed that, he said I was not valuing his input and that he wasn't going to contribute anything if I wouldn't let him have his way anyway. I gave up and just did everything myself. A couple years later, we went to a friend's wedding - they sent a thank you card for our gift. He commented, "oh that's nice, we probably should have done that."

... uh, we did. Or rather, I did. I wrote them, you just signed off on them.

"... oh..."

Yeah. You don't remember how stressed I was and how much work I put in making invitations and all that?

"... wow, I'm a dick."

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