AI coders and being replaced by one

AI generated text-to-code models have been released and they will only keep getting better. Any specialised field is safe(for now) but majority of full stack, android and Web dev jobs are at risk.

That is because there's alot of web-dev code in public repositories and anyone can train their AI model with all that data (code) to make an efficient model. I've seen github copilot solve hard level competitive programming questions with ease. You just need to copy and paste the problem statement and the question is solved.

When github copilot first came out, it was under beta for an year and now they're selling it as a paid subscription service for coders. For students it's free already. There's more such models being developed and trained right now as we speak and the people behind them are trying to make them open source.

When text-to-image first hit the world everyone just realized it was cool but didn't do anything with it since they didn't have it on their hands. Only after r/stable_diffusion released as open source, the AI art is everywhere on the Internet and artists got on the chopping block. Coders are next. It's time to adapt and re imagine programming as a whole.

End of programming is here.

/r/developersIndia Thread