A rare curly haired horse for the 99% of people who have not seen one yet - your welcome

It's not hard to understand, 99.9% people just make a typo. In this day and age typo's are especially more common as an astounding number of people carry mobile devices such as a phone where typing on a small screen can be difficult and it's highly likely that many typos come from mobile devices. Even if he was on a keyboard maybe he was just tired and punched in the wrong key and autocorrect just changed it to the wrong "your".

Honestly people calling out the typo to OP like he is a moron and fail to consider the benefit of the doubt and to think the only possibility is that OP doesn't understand proper grammar are even more annoying. Seriously do you really think OP doesn't know the difference between your, and you're. We are not in Elementary school anymore and to demean someone's character to the point as to suggest they don't understand proper english because of a typo of a title when posting a picture of a horse is really quite sad and the reason why people look at Redditors as smug pseudo intellectuals. Like the "Auckthually" guy. I guess Redditors will do anything to stroke their egos and superiority complex. Don't matter though because Chad is still better then you SJW hipster anti trump losers.

/r/interestingasfuck Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com