This is a real article

Palestine has been pumping out propaganda like this targeted at liberal young adults from America for a few years now. It preys on their fundamental lack of knowledge of middle-eastern history so that it can shape a narrative that is meant to evoke blind emotion. The problem is that it cherrypicks so much that even basic research shows how much you need to contort the facts to end up with a description of events like this. I fundamentally agree with the Israeli poster above and I think he laid out some really simple facts that show how videos like this work.

The brunt of this video is focused around using child death statistics while conveniently leaving out:

"It should also be noted that Hamas used schools and hospitals as military bases, something which makes it extra difficult to avoid civilian loss"

"Hamas also totally attacks civilian areas, never even pretending it's trying to hit military bases."

It tries to lay a decades long bloody conflict as a one sided aggression. Claiming "all of our attacks are retaliatory but theirs are unwarranted" despite all evidence to the contrary including both traditional (often blindly fired) missiles, constant micro-aggressions like using balloons to burn nearby Israeli crops, and of course:

"the last time we had peace negotiations we were greeted with suicide bombings."

And finally, shows videos of Palestinians being beaten/shot while electing to not mentioning those were people who A. Are known for using suicide bombs and B. were mass rushing an armed border like they are trying to Naruto-run at Area 51

The craziest part is that the main reason why these videos aren't effective is simply that most Americans are just apathetic of middle-eastern conflicts.

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