I really admire the intellectualism and basedness of Jews.

Literally everything here is wrong. Israel's economy has exploded over the last 10-15 years, directly tracking with its rightward drift and isn't coparable at all to Armenia's. By far the most advanced economy in the middle east.
Americans don't realize it cause the vast majority of american jews are new yorkish ashkenazim, but most israelis are sephardim or mizrachim with origins in Arab state who carry with them the legacy of being cleansed from their homelands post 1948. There are HUGE rifts in israeli society between the "upper crust" ashkenazim who were the early zionists and have traditionally dominated politics and culture, and the more recent arrivals, be that the more established communites from iraq and north africa, or even more recent large blocks from ethiopia and sudan and yemen who just now are entering their second generation phase. The idea that jews in israel are compelled to identify as jews first is the most outrageously off base thing i've ever seen in this sub, considering a quarter the country doesn't consider the african communities to be jewish at all, and that a plurality of the country's jew's don't actually practice the religion in any way.
The zionist mythology was explicitly not religious, but the post second intifada collapse of the israeli left has bewildered dumb western leftists and invited them to use weird racial theory through which to view history.

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