A really good university for media arts?

Don't go to University for any type of art other than economics, and even then it's not wise. Choose business economics if the university offers it. All of my friends who have a b.a in fine art, psychology, history, English (with b.ed), b.a sociology, b.a in visual culture. They are baristas, bartenders, or work in a call center. The only thing I could recommend is pairing visual arts w/ a b.sc in computer science, you'd do well. I'm not saying this to be rude either... I'm try to be realistic, most degrees now a days aren't realistic. The individuals I know that went to college for a trade, (ticket) in power engineering, electrical techniques, nursing, photonics, paramedic. They're all successful with great jobs. All of my friends who chose to study computer science, or any bachelor of engineering are now doing very well. All of my friends who studied a BBA in accounting are doing well, general business is a no, human resources can be an alright choice. I have a friend who has his BBA in HR, his CHRP, great student, did everything right, interned for a full summer and it was unpaid. It took him a full year to land a job and his starting salary is 38K. If you struggle with math you should start learning, go on Khan academy everyday, buy books and get ahead, work at it. Without math or science people are extremely limited and that's being polite.

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