Record turnout: First day of early voting in Denton County draws double the voters seen in 2016

Democratic Republicans, who are now Democrats."

The parties in the early 1800's have nothing to do with the modern parties we have today.

No, the surviving factions of the split were the Whigs (gone), and the modern Democratic party. No serious historian disputes that.

I would never say "Republicans" started gerrymandering, just because a party that identified as Republicans in 1812 began it

Of course you shouldn't say that, because that's not true.

Yet, you want to say "Democrats began gerrymandering" because a party in 1812 called the Democratic Republicans" started it?

That's misrepresenting what I said. THe Democratic party was the surviving successor the that party.

This is so disingenuous.

I agree that your misrepresentation of my position is certainly disingenuous.

The teacher who taught you this should lose their job.

I do not believe in guilt by association either.

Yes, lines should be drawn fairly, preferably by an independent group.

I am glad you are sticking with your changed stance to expecting fairness, from expecting unfairness.

if that makes you feel good.

Accuracy does, and though I know people describe your party as the feel good party. I prefer accuracy, and expect fairness.

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