Recreational drug users: What are the positives and negatives, (besides possible death) of your drug of choice?


Positive: concentration, improved social acuity and desire

Negative: jitters, anxiety, withdrawal if you suck the shit down for weeks on end and forget to drink it one day like me


Positive: relaxed, happy, kinda high feeling, like alcohol and weed mixed together without the cognitive effects (or any of the other effects of alcohol), legal

Negatives: double vision if you have too much, and a kava hangover, which is mildly unpleasant but not awful, occurs if you far overingest


Positive: feeling of connectedness with the universe, fun visuals, introspection far beyond the level of even the most intense therapy that still manages to feel pleasant and refreshing, super safe drug, non-addictive, helps with addiction to other drugs, improvements on worldview and outlook, inspires people to want to improve their lives, never shows up on drug tests, super easy to produce so you can avoid the seedy drug market

Negative: well a bad trip ain't fun (but can be therapeutic in a way), illegal


Positive: silly fun, anxiolytic, good social drug, no potential for overdose

Negative: can cause intense anxiety if you're type A like me, shows up on drug tests for MONTHS, can be psychologically addictive, makes you frightfully hungry, illegal in most places


Positive: Legal, widely available, easy to bond with folks over, social fun times

Negative: pretty much everything else

/r/AskReddit Thread