Reddit post explains that Sesame Street will be adding a muppet with a mental disorder. Redditor explains how all the muppets show signs of a mental disorder.

Psychiatrists have one primary job: To prescribe medicine in order to deal with psychological problems. There isn't a pill to deal with this, so from his professional opinion there's nothing to be done. When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

People should be referred to a psychiatrists by their psychologist. Pills are a very ineffective tool compared to learning techniques or paradigms to cope in most contexts. Yes, there are chemical imbalances at some point and yes there's a point to psychiatrists, but it ought to be up to a psychologist to draw that line.

My mother is a PhD psychologist. She's the person who I first heard discuss Trump as having a narcissistic personality disorder. It's not even like she doesn't have medical training, she had a masters in public health and was a nurse for a decade, so she has a lot of the medical training that psychiatrists have -- it's that the approach of a pill is wrong in many contexts. She's sick of poor diagnoses on people who are focused on a medical and not psychological method of treatment. The pills generally come with side effects and are not nearly as effective in most contexts. Further, there's a Dunning-Kruger effect whereby the psychiatrists aren't well enough educated on psychology to realize they're fucking up so they don't realize that what they're doing is bad... but they're well enough educated that they can make their patients think they know what they're doing.

This is exactly one of those contexts. The psychiatrist is dead wrong but the Dunning-Kruger effect means both they don't realize it and that the public may be tempted to take their word on it. Take it from a PhD psychologist: Trump has narcissistic personality disorder, and he's got it in spades.

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