No no I think you may have taken that completely wrong, which I was careful to ensure that things were worded in a way that people aren’t misinterpreting things. So the bulk of the Asian violence in America news lately have been the violence on the east coast right? So all three or four cases were black on Asian crimes, and as I mentioned, this is not to spite or even group any of the ordinary everydaybintelligent black community, but the celebrities, nba players and influencers who have been downplaying the situations while at the same time not looking at the bigger picture. It was those that I had specifically mentioned as to the groupings of who we should be criticizing.

It’s the same for any group, but I was specifically mentioning those at the helm that are speaking with it but against it. The whole Black Lives Matter message is important and good, but the actual organization is trash that have opted for free passes rather than actual justice (if we were to relate an example for this specific topic than I’d say how they pushed to release a few criminal teens from prison for the murder of an elderly Asian couple or the other one that was targeting Asian business in the SoCal area like the liquor and grocery stores, the group just had the teens released without any transition to reform or any rehabilitation, rightfully getting flack for that)

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