What do so many people believe that the moors/North Africans were black in the Middle Ages when many depictions from the time show them looking pretty much identical to Spaniards more or less?

“Moorish” was more a cultural label than an ethnic one. It referred to the Muslim influence in Spain and North Africa more than anything else. The ethnic identities that could be considered part of this label was fairly diverse.

There was some overlap with ethnic identity because it would be weird to consider a Catalan Muslim convert, for example, as a Moor but these lines were fairly arbitrary because for example the ruling class had a significant degree of Ottoman ancestry, and the Ottomans fairly frequently had European ancestry as well due to sometimes having European wives or sex slaves... so really it was a fairly fluid concept.

They would tend be darker skinned because they drew from North African, Arab, and Turkish peoples far more than European ancestry but the point I’m making is that it was a label that only had a loose association with ethnicity rather than a fixed one.

/r/AskHistory Thread