reddit, what have your pets done that is worryingly smart ?

My cat is one of smartest pets I've ever had, and she has cerebellar hypoplasia so I was a bit surprised when I realized how smart she is.

She knows her name and will come when called no matter where she is in the house. She knows when I'm talking to her and will almost always respond back when I ask her a question. She has a very subtle chirp she does when she's excited or happy about something, and she's very expressive with her eyes. When I snap at her she even has a specific meow/pout to acknowledge that she knows she's done something wrong but doesn't like the fact that I've snapped at her. This makes her really easy to train too - I literally only have to tell her no a couple of times and she won't do it again. Whenever I play any sort of audio on my phone (video, music, Snapchat) she always comes to investigate. Once, I accidentally locked my other cat in the bathroom and forgot about him, and she came hurrying into the room I was in, rubbed my legs and stared at me until I got up, and then led me to where he was. She begs for food by cuddling excessively because she knows she will get treats this way. She knows when I'm distressed - I'll often wake up to her next to my head after a bad dream. She taught my kitten how to use the litter box, makes sure to clean him when he misses a spot, and always lets him eat first, despite never having had kittens or even interacting with kittens before we got him.

I think that her motor impairment due to the CH has caused her to develop really good communication skills. I always know how she's feeling.

/r/AskReddit Thread