Redditarians, if you’ve thought suicidal thoughts and could act on them, can you share them and add reason? Why/why not?

Suicide is really really really fucking hard.

Even when you feel like you have nothing to live for and are french kissing the barrel of a Remington shotgun.. Some part of you deep down will whisper ”No.” we have some weird survival mechanism that forces us to not go gently into that good nice. Even people who’re horribly injured, have lost a limb or been disfigured fight to survive even though it makes no sense to go on living if you’re going to be quadriplegic or look like a monster. Yet people go on. Suicide is really difficult to go through with.

Plus when you consider why you’re depressed and committing suicide you should consider why you’re depressed. Is it because of someone or something other than yourself? Are you killing yourself because of something other than yourself? Even if it’s your environment.. Sometimes it feels like (to me) fighting against the circumstances, even if that just means staying alive- surviving is spitting in the face of the entities working to end me.

Maybe persistence is humanity’s most powerful trait.

/r/AskReddit Thread