Redditors, What is it you're stressed out about right now?

Im moving to Arizona in a month... I currently live in NY so I am literally moving all the way to the other side of the country. I don't currently have a job set up there.. I already have my name on a lease with my sister, and I currently have almost no money saved up to move. I am hoping to be able to put a rental trailer on the back of my car in order to bring my stuff to the other side of the country but have done no research to determine if my car can even support a trailer. I have only 3 boxes packed so far... all of which are just books, nothing really important, and looking at the books Iv packed so far I have atleast another 2 or 3 boxes. I haven't packed anything else yet and I also have a bunch of stuff to sell/get rid of. I have no clue what Im going to do.. I have to secure a job immediately upon arrival in order to pay my bills/new rent but I don't have a clue where Im going to work yet. Im so nervous its not even funny and despite having achieved getting a couple of interviews I can't go to them as I don't currently live in the state they are in. Also I smoke weed and have smoked within the last week but Im supposed to be clean right now in order to qualify for jobs.

Im so lost and confused/stressed I don't know what to do with myself. I feel as though Iv failed before Iv even gotten there but my sister seems to think Ill be just fine. I myself am so scared I can hardly sleep at night. I hope it all works out in the end as I hopefully have a career lined up to take control after a couple years. Im extremely scared to drive across the country by myself and am even more scared to arrive there and discover that things aren't going to be the way I had hoped and that Im going to have to ditch my sister and return home. The only problem being that I won't have a home to return to as my parents are moving down south. Basically its that I man up and get a good enough job to support myself and my bills or I fail and have no where to go and disappoint my sister/become homeless in arizona. Im so stressed I have seriously been losing hair.

/r/AskReddit Thread