Redditors who are not engineers, software developers, or porn stars, what do you do for a living?

Plumbing Contractor.

Pros: Well paying job, Top of the line Healthcare, Full time all the time. We have fun almost every shift, everyone works really hard at everything, have a great contract with a multi-million dollar building, make every other plumbing company in San Francisco look like a bunch of lazy fucks.

Cons: (I work for a small company in San Francisco)Everyone throws me under the bus right away because my coworkers never finished highschool, nobody at my company knows proper grammar or punctuation. They all think they're smarter than everybody else, they all have horrible fucking breath, they all show up late and yell at one another when caught in the act. When anything bad happens they blame everyone else. Everyone automatically assumes all I do is clean clogged toilets and smell like shift everyday( but in reality I have worked on toilets about 10 times in the past 3 years) I Mostly do heavy construction on sidewalks and new homes. Not every fucking plumber cleans shit for a living. But sometimes we do.

/r/AskReddit Thread