Redditors who have hired a private investigator, what did you discover?

(please do not share anywhere!)

A relative had one hired to investigate him after an industrial accident at work that was going to court.

This left him perminetely disabled but able to walk short distances in ALOT of pain. Won't go into details about the types of injuries.

He was advised by doctors and physio to push through the pain and walk a short amount every day. Use it or loose it kinda deal. (Eventually this advice changed but at the time that was what was asked of him).

So he would walk to the convenience store which was maybe 150 yards away from the house. If that. With walking sticks. Super close. Buy a newspaper. Or something as small. Sit on the bench outside for however long it took him to recover 20 mins, half an hour. Sometimes more on a bad day. Then walk back .

One day he got a loaf of bread. In a clear see through bag. The investigator and insurance submitted it in writing court as having evidence he was out and about doing heavy shopping and embellished etc.

Judge asked for the pictures came out and was like it's a loaf of bread. It's no weight at all. He had two walking sticks. And asked the times he was spotted etc. Turns out it took an hour to walk to 300 yards total and was in the store for only a few minutes of it.

Needless to say this more went in his favour than against it.

(I do not give me consent for this to be shared elsewhere)

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