Refuting this "feminist" narrative about how men can't be compromised in comic books. Pretty cool [X-Post r/tumblrInAction]

She doesn't want to read about a overly feminine and sexulaized character, she wants to read about a kickass female character who can be just as strong as the male comic book charcters.

Unfortunately, you're not going to find much of those unless you're willing to pass the message on to her that these strong females can hit or belittle their male support without consequence, teaching her she can step on the backs of innocent boys or men to elevate herself.

Or in the case of the new female Thor, shoving one-dimensional, agency reducing propaganda down her throat.

Here's the writer turning those who critique feminism or have a problem with it into two-dimensional misogynists in the form of that villain.:

Now I want you to take a look at this second strip:

This is a villainess refusing to fight Female Thor on account she is a woman and is all for the sisterhood.

Now you talk about how there are relatively few strong female characters. How about also addressing the fact that what is "Strong Female" is shit like this posing in the name of empowerment for your daughter as well? That's where I'm coming from.

I say this as someone who wants girls like your daughter to have their role models, to succeed in life. But not getting this garbage into their head about ignoring "With great power comes great responsibility" through horse manure like I've cited.

I've found too many times with stories starring main female protagonists that it delves into this false empowerment narrative while putting innocent male supporting characters in the meat grinder. Too many misandrist statements about men in general leaking into the dialogue or the narrative in general. Give me a story starring a female protagonist who can talk the talk and walk the walk. That's all I want.

For the love of god, for Pete's sake, for all that's holy and mighty, WHY CAN'T ANYONE JUST DO THIS?!?

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