Registration Thread

Full Name- James Carter

Codename- N/A

Major Powers- Magic, James can throw magic missiles, manipulate elements, perform exorcisms, he can also teleport with this, perform rituals and deal catastrophic damage to those weak to magic and the supernatural

  • Minor Power: Supernatural arsenal, James has many magical relics and such in his arsenal, tons of them able to hurt supernatural beings and others able to simply do damage

  • Appearance-

  • Personality- James is the type of guy who loves to have a laugh about everything in life, he is generally a nice guy if you get to know him but expect a few jokes at your expense, though when he's working he is the most serious guy you can know, he won't give a fuck what you say or try to do, when he's working you listen to him or you leave him the "Bloody hell" alone.

  • Backstory: James Carter was born to the Carter family, they were a family of mages that owned a bar in London England, he worked there growing up and learned a bunch of magic while he was at it, all of his family had magical prowess genetically though each member had specialized in a different wing of it, James specialized in the dark side of magic and illusions, one day his father (who specialized and heavy demonic magic) tried tricking a devil into a deal which would make his family great, the demon took over the mind's of his entire family, excluding James, James ran off and tried to find a way to stop it but he couldn't, he had to kill the demon and his entire family, he moved on and ran the bar himself for a while but then he realized people were onto James, found out he was a mage and so he ran..he ran all the way to America, using some connections he made his way over without a hitch. Life wasn't easy for James in America, but it was sure of a lot better then a national witch hunt, he applied to a bar and they took him pretty quickly, on the side he was hunting rogue mages and demon's, eventually it got to the point where people found out the name James Carter and after hours at the bar looked for his help, people paid him and he makes a business out of it, though he tries to keep it on the down low...if you ever ask your friend about a guy who could help you out he might say "I know a guy." and that man is James Carter.

/r/dcrp Thread