Living with my boyfriend has just made it so apparent how ingrained casual misogyny still is amongst young men

I had a very bad week so i am going to rant for a moment. I am a 29 year old woman with a PhD in a pretty niche area. The place I work at spent two years trying to find someone like me to fill my role because there are like 4 people in the country, maybe 10 in the world that specialize in what i specialize in. There are five men in my position in the department i work in with PhDs in different fields, but their disciplines needed to be much less specialized to run their programs.

I am the only one that has our director try to explain very basic things to me that I am a literal fucking expert in. I am the only one our boss has called "little girl". I am also the only one that doesn't get an assistant. This week my director sent out an email on an email chain where I explained how an issue could be addressed, stating that only women in their 20s see it as an issue, so it's basically nothing to worry about.

If I had a penis, I know I'd get a hell of a lot more respect, but, alas, I am just a woman in her 20s that apparently knows nothing, despite the 10 years of education I have.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread