Relationships rant NSFW

They have bragged about how good a job they have, one of them her ex was an electrician and her current boyfriend is a plumber, both with well over average salary.

Both were also in good shape as she sometimes brought up them having a sixpack or how good looking they were to her friends when i overheard them even told me about it a few times.

The boyfriends she had before then she barely spoke about, being students at the time they didn't have any real income of their own but she dated guys with homes in well of areas, we had to drive her there a few times.

Never seen her being around someone that would look "ugly", more the sporty types. Some of them even being bullies in school but they were in good shape so that didn't seem to matter.

The other her boyfriend works for a realtor firm in a large city in my country. Though he dosen't look that great in my opinion so she at least is a little less shallow.

Social status isn't much of an issue here, not much of a dividing point where i live so only an example.

So at least what i've seen personally both looks and income matters to them. Heard some of her friends brag about their boyfriends parents work so status in that way seems to matter.

Though to add both of them are typical extroverts, need to be around friends all the time so these kinds of things seem to matter more to be included as a group so how much they really matter to them i can't say.

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