REMEMBER: Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has pledged to end marijuana prohibition. Help us end the War on Drugs by matching my donation of $4.20! (X-post SandersForPresident)

Your faith in the system is truly disturbing, though not surprising in the least. Why would you possibly imagine that your salvation lies anywhere outside the system that created you?

Other countries aren't the utopias you're making them out to be, and even so, for what modest success they may have achieved, they have never done so anywhere near the scale that it would have to be implemented in this country.

That said, if you don't want to get fucked on healthcare, get government out of it entirely, and demand CHOICE. Competition breeds accountability, efficiency, and innovation in every single sector. Healthcare is not some unicorn immune to market forces. Let the same economic drivers that put a wireless microcomputer in your pocket with power and capabilities unimaginable to your parents' work in the healthcare industry.

Let every big hospital work hard to win your business, rather than taking it for granted because you're in their HMO. Let every doctor find ways to offer better service for less money, because if he doesn't, the guy down the street will. And let health insurers compete in an open market to win your business by driving down premiums, increasing services and coverage, and acting ethically...rather than sitting back and waiting for you to lower yourself onto their collective dicks because if you don't buy their services, the government will come after you and FORCE you to.

The problem isn't the system! It's just that we elected THE WRONG GUY! But no...I'm sure if we vote hard enough, just elect the right guy this time, pray to our godvernment to forgive us for our lack of faith, if i can convince enough of my fellow tax cattle to #FeelTheBern - then everything will finally be okay! THIS time will be different.

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