Reminder - Trolls are going to use coordinated messaging over the next few days to paint the Mueller report as an exoneration because Mueller didn't perp walk Trump out of the office like in one of our shitposts.

I tried to submit this before posts got turned off, so I will leave it here.

It's been a long two years. We've received insights into the Report over time, and there are certain to be many fascinating twists in this saga as we move forward. However, there are many forces working against us and the contents of the Mueller Report.

We have a Gaslighting GOP, working to protect the President day and night since 2016. We have a Liar-in-Chief, who is set to hit 10,000 lies in the coming weeks as he spews nonsense to obstruct and cauterize. We have his deconstructionist staff, working together with internal news organizations to deflect and censor at every turn. We have propaganda TV stations, who blatantly ignore criminal activity and focus on irrelevant components to soothe couch zombies. We have social media disinformation, which negatively impacts a disproportionately uneducated and unquestioning populous. And we have highly charged mass media companies who seek Attention Grabbing Shocking Titles that send voluminous clicks and views regardless of whether their viewers remember a single sentence the next day.

We have paid for this report with our lives, our souls, our comments, our clicks, our upvotes and downvotes. We've engaged in meaningful political discourse every single day without fail. We've assimilated and posted vast troves of data that point to serious criminal activity in both the legislative and executive branches of our government. We've suffered abusive trolling from Russian bots, white supremacists, misogynists and conservative apologists. Through it all we pushed, we pandered, we praised and we pouted. We endured personal attacks, hacking attempts, subreddit bans, and private information leaks on every level. We've suffered angry brain-dead relatives who couldn't tell the difference between people who protect our Nation and criminals who hate our Nation. We've had our most complex views dismissed outright, and our simplest most American values treated like garbage.

We the People of Reddit, of /r/The_Mueller, of /r/Politics of /r/News of every subreddit that tried and held to a few core Democratic values and did not collapse dead on the pavement, are exhausted and happy. We are overcome with anxiety and joy. We are proud and dismayed. And we have 24 hours at best to pick ourselves back up and do it all over again. Because Democracy does not stop when The Report is released, Democracy dies when we fail to Protect The Report. When we fail to Protect Mueller. When we fail to Protect the best People and Procedures in the DOJ, FBI and every other government organisation that realizes that there is a Law of the Land, and a Constitution and People to Protect.

We may never know the insufferable ends that all those who worked on the Report have endured. We have certainly seen what happened to a few who got sucked up into the propaganda machine and destroyed while Protecting our Nation. There are many more, and their names will come out. Some will be the best of us, some will be the average of us, and some may not embody any of our core values. But we must Protect what they did, what they said, what they discovered, whether we like the contents, narrators, or dissemination methods. The first step to turning around a failed state is to put it back in order. We must focus on destroying the falsehoods and failures of media and push forward with Truth. We must attack debasement hard and fast. We must persist and be proactive. And never, ever stop Protecting the Report that we paid for with our daily breath. Do not stop exhaling Truth and demanding Justice.

Protect The Report, Protect Mueller, Protect America.

/r/The_Mueller Thread