Reminder that this is a real thing someone said

This more of an accurate representation of her now. She is going to exploit her child too to get money. The people trying to defend her and say, "she didn't want the child and her SO died"; so, that's is why she gets to be this way have a delusional understanding. If you can't get an abortion then give the child up for adoption. If her mom would have made her keep the child, there are rights she has and if she doesn't want her mom involved she can request this. Defending a person's behavior who is trash, makes you just ask trashy. Farrah has had opportunity after opportunity to do a better job, Her wanting to be famous is the real reason for her fucked up behavior. Don't go on the show to try to be famous and that is what she did. The porn attempt was an attempt to get famous. Stop defending the actions of someone who has no moral compass.

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