Republican Jesus

  1. That guy in your link would get turned away from your parents country club in a heart beat. He's brown enough for people to lock they're car door if he walked too close.

I have about the same exact skin tone as him. Also, good job assuming I'm just some posh rich white kid. No, I am a lower middle class hispanic. Good job trying to stereotype your opposition.

If you don't want to talk about race its just because you're over compensating from last week when you crossed the street rather than walk past those two young black men.

I come from a racially diverse area, and that has never happened to me. Wtf is wrong with you?

I have called what you said as racist because you deemed that people followed a "white" Jesus rather than what you think is the actual Jesus. You considered this a bad thing. You based greed on whiteness. That is why you are racist. You are also racist for grouping everyone on earth that disagrees with you into one racial category and assuming that they are all just stupid evil whiteys.

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