Resisting TERF’s and Transforming Their Organizations

“Doxxing a white supremacist has proven effective in making them afraid. Once their info is found, their friends, family, and places of work are contacted. Nazis are usually fired and ostracized and thus given suitable social punishment for advocating harm against others. TERF’s should be subject to the exact same outcomes. If you can cause a TERF to lose their job, do so! They can, after all, simply stop being a TERF if they want to find employment again.”

If you do this, you are a cop and a psychopath. You are a psychopath if you want to do this. Can cis men stop being so spineless in the face of liberal trans women and stand up for radical feminists who don’t believe in gender essentialism? Do you realize it is impossible as a cis woman to even talk about this because nobody gives a shit what women think, especially if it is outside the normative boundaries?

/r/stupidpol Thread Link -