Rich but boring?

You're early forties, wealthy and single. A young sugar daddy. You're a farmer and am guessing you enjoy the country scene. You don't like the fancy restaurants etc. But try this. Take a month off, you deserve it after accumulating wealth. Try a local diner or cafe that you've never been to before. Travel to a different part of the countryside. And eventually, take a week out into another country. Since you are a farmer and enjoy animals and crops, why not visit France for a tour of the vineyards in the country? Why not Kenya for wild life safari. If you like fishing, why not try sports fishing one time? I would say go by yourself the first couple of times, get use to it, you will get a lot of conversation from like minded people. You're not boring, you just haven't experienced things outside the norm that increases your perspective of life.

/r/sugarlifestyleforum Thread