Ridley Scott: I shouldn’t have let the ‘Alien’ series “get away” from me.

It shouldn't have gotten out the hands of creative talent.

Alien was a film brought forth through various creative people. It took a man to lose his job, Dan O'Bannon, to write it and also have the connections from his previous job to bring an artist like H.R. Giger on board. Ridley Scott came on board with a set of skills and talent that made it excellent. Point is Dan O'Bannon had a story to tell and it was brought to life extremely well.

Aliens was a film that was never going to be made, but James Cameron believed he could bring something to it and take a spin on the horror to make a supremely good scifi-action-war film.

Alien 3, however, was an attempt by Fox to make more money. Aliens was a huge success out of a small-ish budget. They tried in the beginning to take it as a creative exercise, having a script made by William Gibson, but it wasn't good enough, it changed, then they interfered with the making of the film, screwed over David Fincher and then tried again to make more cash with Alien: Resurrection and then again screwed over the people who were making it. But I'd argue those films didn't really need to be made.

The real problem is that if a film needs to be made, it should be made by someone with a good fucking idea not a half arsed attempt that ends up re-hashing the same fucking storylines. Alien 3 is a bit like Alien and Alien Resurrection is a bit like Aliens, but in different and crappier ways.

In fact, not even sure if Ridley Scott should be making this film or whether Blomkamp should be making his sequel. I would like to see a happy ending to the story of Newt, Ripley and Hicks since they ballsed that up. But is it necessary? I'm not sure, what does the story need to tell at that point when an ending that reveals so little says so much and makes you feel so much? And in the case of the Scott's films, the inspiration for Prometheus is the search for the reason why the aliens exist, now is that really necessary or showing too damn much information when a good mystery builds good atmosphere? Still though, Prometheus revealed really sod all about why they were made and seemed like another re-hash of alien with a lot less solidly written characters.

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