Uncertain if my [23F] dwindling feelings for my boyfriend [21M] are valid due to mental health and a troublesome ex [23M]; and if so, are they normal?

The thing with the BPD is that my boyfriend just assumes that when I'm being a nutcase it's my bipolar disorder. He's incredibly patient with me whenever I'm being difficult. In addition to this, he's often unaware of just how crazy I am being. For example, I once blocked him on all social media and on my phone because he didn't reply to my text messages that day but he didn't actually notice. Another time, he wanted to go to bed and I didn't and when he told me "Okay, I'll go to bed without you," I thought it was a rejection so I stormed out and went back to my own room, where I gathered all his things and left them in a pile outside my door with a note that said "Don't bother knocking." When I later explained this to him, he was like "Oh, I didn't know anything was wrong. I assumed you just wanted a lie in because you decided to stay up so much later than me." I also attempt to create arguments with my boyfriend over nothing. He just doesn't rise to it. He doesn't like confrontation and avoids it at all costs.

In addition to this, the reason I think I have BPD is because, while I continue to have long term mood swings, my mood also fluctuates much more rapidly than is normally associated with BD, and it is often associated with life events. For example, small rejections make me want to kill myself whilst rediscovering a song from my childhood makes me feel so on top of the world I feel like I'm going to explode - which also makes me want to die. I can be very vindictive. After my ex hurt me the way he did, I turned literally everyone I know against him (only by telling the truth) and I did this intentionally because I know how important it is to him to be liked. It was very easy. I find it easy to make people think what I want them to think. At school, I had a friend who, I believed, was trying to steal my life, so I did the same to her. Again, I did so by telling the truth but I was careful to paint myself as the victim and make myself appear rational. Obviously, she was never trying to steal my life and she is still among my best friends even now. I have literally no sense of identity, which is why being reckless and mischievous is so important to me. For so long I associated that - and my eating disorder - with who I am. Now I have neither and I feel like I am not a person unless I am with other people. Without sounding obnoxious, I am an intelligent person and I have learned, through experience, that my thoughts and feelings are not always normal and I have learned how to make myself appear more normal. Only my close friends know fully how crazy I actually am. My boyfriend only recently found out. His words: "You said you were crazy. I didn't know you were this crazy." It can be very hard to resist my thoughts, but I lost a friend to suicide myself and I have never known pain like that. I wouldn't like to inflict it on my friends a second time. Also, experiencing emotions as intensely as I do, I try not to deliberately hurt people any more. I wouldn't like someone else to get to that point either.

I didn't include any of this in my original post because I didn't think it relevant to the problem at hand.

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