At rock bottom in life. How to turn it around?

I mean, I'd dispute the last statement in the sense that 90% of all graduate work in English is related to critical thinking and analytical skills. You're pretty much mounting arguments and synthesizing materials all the time. I've considered just going to law school many times, and probably should. It's really the only track available that holds any likelihood of consistent, high paying job opportunities.

I don't know any other languages. A bit of Russian, but I wouldn't consider myself fluent.

I applied for SSI last month and am still waiting for my scheduled interview. I really don't want to rely on disability and deeply want to somehow claw my way back, get a full time job, get the medicine I need to become mobile again, and build myself back up. But I'm going through with the interview on the advice of friends and my doctor.

I'm very adept at a number of things. I'm an excellent public speaker, I have experience in event coordination, social media marketing, curriculum design, etc. I've done a few freelance creative projects that've been pretty successful.

It's not so much that I don't have any capabilities, it's about starting from a place in which I have no resources to build something with, no venue in which to build myself back up, and certain physical issues that make it difficult to find either.

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