[roundup] Albums of the Year 2015 listravaganza!

Hey rematcher!

Hahaha yea, I'm really active on here. Started out creating a small music sub almost 4 years ago when I was procrastinating for the CPA exam, and now here I am. To answer your questions:

Cats or Dogs?

  • Definitely dogs. My wife and I have been talking about getting a pup for so long but have put it off since we're spending money to furnish our new place right now.

What is something that makes you happy

  • I love meeting new people through shared interests and bringing my friends that I know individually together. This is usually facilitated by good music, food, and drink - all things I love. A couple years ago for my birthday, I went to a free Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros show at a local park, and I had friends there from probably 4-5 different walks of life. Having them all together getting to know one another was really special.

What are you currently reading and would you recommend it to a friend?

  • I don't read a ton of novels nowadays, and when I do, they're entrepreneurial, sports, or music related. The last three books I finished were Skydog - The Duane Allman Story, Sir Alex Ferguson's autobiography, and The Lean Startup. Actually, that's not entirely true because I do enjoy a lot of comedy. My favorite author is David Sedaris - I've seen him give a talk before and got to meet him and chat for a while afterwards. I own all his books and would recommend him to anyone. My wife listens to audiobooks, and we've most recently listened to Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, Bossy Pants by Tina Fey, The Book with No Pictures by BJ Novak, and Yes Please by Amy Poehler.

What do you find yourself doing during your free time?

  • When relaxing at home, it's usually finding/discovering music, watching soccer matches (sometimes with friends at a local pub though), or watching the latest TV series with my wife. Her job is a lot more stressful than mine, so I handle most of the housekeeping stuff too. When I go out in my free time, it's usually to enjoy local food/drink with my wife, friends, or family. In addition to concerts, I like going to local festivals (music and otherwise) and other events happening. For example, this was the most recent thing I went to: https://www.facebook.com/mainx24/. I like going out as much as staying in and can hit the town as easily as I can chill at home on a Saturday night.

Would you consider yourself more of a Leslie Knope or a Ben Wyatt?

  • Well I'm an accountant like Ben but with better jokes.

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?

  • Straight Outta Compton (which was amazing since I'm a long-time NWA and Dr. Dre fan hahaha), and that was my first time seeing a movie in theaters for at least a year. I'm more of a TV show person, and when I do watch movies, I do it at home.

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

  • A banana with a glass of emergen-c since I'm trying to stave off a cold.

Who is your favorite fictional character?

  • Mr. G from Summer Heights High. I have probably watched that show upwards of 50 times.

What is your favorite thing about where you live?

  • Definitely the gigabit fiber internet service. No more Comcast!

If you could have one super power what would it be?

  • To know any random and otherwise incalculable statistic or tally about myself or anyone else. This is just an example, but say how many different musical artists I've seen live or how many hours of my life I've spent in a bathroom haha. If that makes sense.

Anyway, calc-you-later!

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