RU POV - complete collapse of morale for the Kharkiv are occupiers by most pro-Russian propagandist

If this was a war vs NATO, satellites would be the first to go

If this was a war vs NATO then Russia would have lost already. For my view and this is our main disagreement I just don't think "manpower" is the main issue and I don't believe just taking the existing Russian military and inflating it is a path to success for Russia in their objectives. A lot of pro-russian mil bloggers etc seem to believe and parrot this idea that war mobilization is a fix all elixr but I seriously doubt that, especially at this point.

You talk about Russian methods being sustainable but that is cleary not true if you look at the rate and pace of their advances and operations over time and where that has led them to today, it was a huge cost on men and material.

Also I don't think Kherson is a complete feint, not in the sense that it is just a distraction, I believe the Ukrainians fully intend to continue to attempt to advance there and eliminate the Russian pocket on the west side of the Dnipro. The drive on Kyiv was not a feint either, I think the Russians fully believed they could occupy the city quickly and it was one of their war aims to elimnate the Zelensky regime.

At the end of the day agree to disagree, you seem to think the issue is manpower and lack of mobilization and I think the issue for the Russians is that their army needs to be fundamentally different to fight this war, that just inflating the existing army won't be that helpful.

I fully admit, I could be wrong, maybe Puin will go for mobilization and it could drastically alter the situation, we shall see.

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